beingyoung · lifestuff · Random

Irresponsible = Understatement

I am in my last year of high school
I am going to college next year
I am 16 years old

I should be stressed about my exams, I literally have a month till exam season starts,
but no, what do I stress about? My makeup being on point. :’)

I don’t stress about all the revision I still have not done, I stress about my room being clean (it is not),

I stress about eating fruit, I stress about drinking enough water, I stress about my lack of a social life, but I do not stress about the exams that start in May.

I don’t sit and revise every morning for 2 hours, no, I sit and read, or I lie in bed thinking or daydreaming, do I do my homework on time? Mostly, but not always.

Am I a bad example of a student? No. I am a good example of a blob.

Do I think I should change? No.

Should I change my habits, well most teachers (and normal people) would say YES, but I say no.

I am zen. I am a blob. I will be fine. Hopefully, fingers crossed, pray to all the Gods that have ever existed,

I will be fine. JUST FINE.

beingyoung · lifestuff · Random

Because I am a lazy shite.

The Easter Holiday: The only time it is okay to pick something off of your floor, sniff it, and deem it wearable.
Floordrobe. Because you’re a lazy shite
(And because no one will know if you wear the same thing more than twice.)

Because yes, I am a blob, and yes, I am disgusting at times.

beingyoung · lifestuff · Random

Losin’ My Artist Virginity



I paintedddddddd
for the first time in foreverrrrrrrrr
So like I tried out my new acryllics, and attempted painting, it looks SO bad :’) baby steps right?

I am so morbid, I basically painted a city on fire, it’s titled “my world is burning” and the only building properly visible is a masjid, hah,

The second painting (to use up all the leftover paint) was supposed to be a field, but it looks really creepy :’) shit I must be a psycho then….

I am hoping to go to ze cinema today with my awesome aunty, idk if we’re still going O_O SEE MUM I DO NEED A PHONE, FOR CRISES LIKE THESE, *siiiiiiiigh*

Listening to french music and not understanding a word,
yep, I am supposed to get an A in french :’)


hah, and here I am attempting to be an artist 🙂

moop, It’s a beautiful day today, and no I don’t want to go outside :’) Maybe just to read? Maybe….

moop, Imma go and be a blob now,

adios! ❤ x

beingyoung · Random

I Am Winnie The Pooh

I realised this yesterday whilst I was waiting for the honey to drop out of the honey jar XD hahaha

I’m growing up to be Pooh Bear! :’) I worry about miniscule things, I love honey, I go on random adventures, I’m too nice, I’m submissive,

I mean seriously now! >.<

beingyoung · lifestuff · Random

I Wasn’t Expecting That


I spent 3 days away from my family, I come back and my parents are stepping around me as though I’m a bomb,

Anyway the title?

Yeah my bestfriend told me he MIGHT have feelings for me,
I’m trying my hardest to ignore them, but urgh, FEELINGS,
I cannot fall in love with my best friend! Why ruin something awesome?!

The moodswings are back, they’re annoying, but hilarious too,

These days I spend so much time alone I make myself laugh, I’m now seriously considering becoming a comedian,

I AM FUNNY, in a way only intellectual people, or insane people, understand,

my sarcasm is so fluent, you realise later that I wasn’t actually being nice XD

this post has no definite reason, I just feel like talking!

But I’m busy, and still have to revise for today’s exam so :/ byes I guess