beingyoung · lifestuff · Random

The Past 4 Days

I don’t remember what I did on Friday……. I babysat….. I think……

On Saturday I baked all these damn cakes, and was too tired to decorate them so I put them all in the fridge and went to babysit again, I had fun baking, don’t get me wrong, it’s just so tiring!

On Sunday I was meant to decorate them but woke up too late, so left it and went to help my aunty, and got tired af, she makes us work so hard ;__;

and then Monday, yesterday, I iced all the damn cakes and cupcakes, packed them in boxes for my friends and somehow gave them out without being too awkward, I saw my friend in her silk pyjamas :’) Ah good times,

And today, I have babysat my cousin ALL DAY, I MEAN ALL DAY, THAT KID HAS TOO MUCH ENERGY,

Why do babies have so much energy? I swear she sucks up MY energy somehow…. Hmmmm,

Tomorrow is eid! I’m nervous, kinda, but I always am so what’s new :’) lolololol,

It won’t feel good, it will just be awkward, with a ton of good food and a bit of laughter, and obviously selfies,

I’ll get to cut and eat the damn cakes! Wooh! I’ll get to look pretty for no damn reason!!!

akh right now all I want to do is sleep, really, but I know I won’t be able to,

Hmm I need to start reading again…. lost my flow….

I was sat outside quite a lot today, the weather has been BEAUTIFUL for the past week, and I’m enjoying it, kinda, I’d like to take more walks though,

anyways, I was sat outside, and I was thinking about writing,

I haven’t written properly in so long, I don’t remember the last time I wrote a poem,

it’s super sad, because writing, for me, is like breathing, it’s supposed to come subconsciously,

but it just won’t.

I’m worried, I really am, but maybe I’m just in a funk, maybe I need new inspiration,


I need sleep,

Goodnight everyone! ❤ Eid Mubarak!